In Between (2011)
Concept, Choreography, Set: Shen Wei
Lighting and Stage Manager: Scott Bolman
Music: John Tavener
In Between was performed at the Rockbound Art Museum in Shanghai, on a large outdoor installation designed for the performance by Shen Wei. The work was created for the opening of an exhibition by the artist Zhang Huan, titled Q Confucius. The print materials accompanying the show posed several intriguing questions: "Faced with rapid economic and societal changes and energy and climate challenges, how can we achieve sustainable importance? Where is the sense of spiritual belonging for contemporary Chinese?" These queries echoed some of Shen's own musings, particularly related to Re-III. Shen responded to these questions by creating a hybrid work that incorporated elements from Folding, Connect Transfer, and Still Moving. The dramatic juxtaposition of these very different elements within one work reflect a conversation between several oppositions—past and present, equipoise and abandon, cool design and sensual action.
— Buck Wanner